What is Marketing? Is it something you can easily identify and distinguish? For me Marketing is everywhere, and you can see it in every movement, every product and we use marketing tools in our daily activities. Yes, Marketing in important and the world rotates using the subject as an essential tool.
There are many stories about successful marketing strategies. The first thing that comes to my mind is a story that describes the age when black pearls were not popular and not expensive. Everything started with the story of a young man who was trying to sell black pearls. Because nobody knew what black pearls were, they didn't have an incentive to buy them, and actually had a bad opinion about the product. So, one day he went to the jewelry store and asked the store person to present them to customers. He put the black pearl necklace next to his most expensive peace of art and that's how he changed the opinion of the consumers. So from then on the most expensive and most desired kind of pearls is the black pearl, which is considered a unique and one of a kind jewelry.
This story, described very briefly shows us one very important aspect of every marketing plan and this is how do you exactly present your product. Presentation is THE MOST important part, i think. Your product may be one of a kind and amazing, but if you do not know how to present it to customers, nobody will even notice the present of this product. You have to know how to approach consumer's needs and desires in order to be successful in what you do. Changing the already created opinion is also very hard and requires many social and academic skills.
During my childhood, which I spent working in my dad's company, I have learnt one thing.
customer= god and you have to treat him as a divine creature, because after all, at the end of the day, what you have accomplish depends entirely on what the customer has bought from you and what impact have you made on his life.
Oh, and one more thing I think you should mention from experience. It does not matter how bad or old a product is, the more important thing is how good you PRESENT IT TO BE and how CONFIDENT you are doing this.